Every April I attend the annual conference of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago. It's held at the
Palmer House, which is nice, but not $230/night nice. For the first time, the Warriors Three embarked on this quest together. We took Amtrak. Quite simply, Amtrak is a government subsidized leper colony. Don't get me wrong, I once understood the romantic ideal of rail travel. Then I rode Amtrak. But by the time you've driven 2 hours to the airport, waited an hour or more in the airport, flown for an hour, and and taken a 45 minute (and $40) cab ride to the Chicago loop, your train would just about be pulling into the station. Six hours is a long time to be confined in one place (especially that place), but we made the most of it. We ate Goldfish crackers.

We played "see-food."

We laughed at our own jokes.

We tuckered ourselves out.

I had to attend panels, present a paper, and generally behave as if I belong to this profession. Eventually we made it to the
Field Museum. The line only had about 4 people in it, but it somehow took like 20 minutes to get admitted. Chicago!

But I have to admit, it was worth it. Holy Crap!! T-REX!!

This thing was disgusting.

I was recently shopping for comfy chair for my office. No one was selling the fossilized dinosaur track chaise lounge. Looks cozy.

After this we went to the
Shedd Aquarium, which took even longer to get in (about 45 minutes) and cost about $80 for the three of us. Chicago!! We didn't end up with any photos because a) it was too dark for decent photos and b) I was still ticked off about the $80 thing. Honestly, it was pretty good and Jefferson clearly preferred it to a natural history museum where the exhibits are all dead.