Sunday, October 31, 2010

Pizza dough!!

When Jefferson had no free will, I was happy to pick his costume for him. It's no secret that I planned to dress him as the entire Justice League (minus Wonder Woman) by the time he was 6. Well, I gave up on that last year when he picked Spider-Man. Although Spider-Man is a Marvel character, he is still in the superhero milleu. Well, we found ourselves in new territory this year. Oh, yeah, Mario time.

He talked me into being Luigi, but we got the costume home and it was obscene looking. It was certainly not appropriate for the G-rated confines of trick-or-treating at the mall. So I threw on the hat and mustache off we went.

Anyone familiar with Mario can see that I'm jumping to hit a question mark block and Jefferson is throwing a fireball. Of course.

Walking around the mall was sort of hilarious. Kids would point at me and say "Hey look! Luigi." Could I look less like Luigi? In any event: Look out, Bowser.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Jefferson, American

Most days we wonder if Jefferson learns anything at his school. When we ask him if he learned anything, the answer is always "Um ... no." Then, totally out of the blue, he springs something like this on you.