Monday, October 22, 2012

Talking to Jefferson's class about Washington

What is this and who is that guy?

There he is again! Who is that guy?

Oh, he's George Washington! Who is George Washington?

What are these?

What is this place?

We met George Washington (sort of).

This is George Washington's house. It is called Mount Vernon.

What is this?

George Washington's grave is near his house.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 2012: "Our baby is in Kindergarten..." Edition

Well, the summer is definitely over. Kindergarten has started. Strict dress code at the Lutheran school. No superhero shirts. He pulls it off.

One Saturday at the farmers' market, Jefferson announced that he had a loose tooth. He worked with his tongue for 5 or 6 days. It was hanging by a thread one morning so I sent carrot sticks in his lunch. Bingo. This is what he usually does when you ask him to smile. 

The tooth fairy took a check for $10 to the bank and got an envelope full of gold-looking dollar coins. The tooth fairy found it incredibly lame that they even make a Franklin Pierce coin.

On a sweltering Thursday afternoon in August, we sweated through our clothes and most of a Cardinals game.

Because it was a Thursday afternoon in August, we got a great deal on the seats. We were close enough that if we'd shouted at Carlos Beltran, he could probably hear us. By the way, I'm not flashing a peace (or gang) sign. Beltran had just hit a 2-run homer.

2-boyz pouting on a balcony.

Mom gets in on the act.

We bought a Groupon for the Museum of Transportation in St. Louis. "Transportation" is a little misleading since the collection seems like 90 percent trains. Whatever they call it, it's pretty great. Miniature train ride was included in the Groupon.

We played a game in which Jefferson stood in front of things and posed however he wanted. We call it "interpretive posing." Exhibit A.

Exhibit B.

Exhibit C. The "C" stands for "confusing."

Anyway, this museum is great. It's a huge open air museum with loads of hands-on exhibits.

Ringing the bell is a two-man job.

When I was a kid, the caboose was fascinating. Throughout my childhood I always wondered what went on in there.

Now I know. Naptime.

This trolley car was rad. It takes you from one end of the trains to the other.

In all honesty, this is one of the best kid-friendly activities in the St. Louis area and we didn't really even know about it. You're outside with lots of space to run around and lots of cranks to pull and wheels to turn. I know he looks serious here, but he's having serious fun.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Springfield, IL, June 2012: "Lincoln Lincoln, I've been thinking..." Edition

One night Jefferson started asking questions about Abraham Lincoln. He was looking at a penny and, naturally, had some questions about one of our strangest looking presidents. Well, this seemed like just as good an excuse as any to head to Springfield, IL, for answers. First stop: Cozy Dog.

Look, I don't know if they invented the corndog or not. They say they did and they make a darned fine corn dog (I'm detecting cumin in that batter). In any event, how can you not eat at a place with two dancing corndogs on the road sign and the word FOOD sitting atop the building?

We ordered the family platter. I know you're doing the math. Three of us and four corndogs.

I think you know who ate the fourth corndog.

We have a friend who, whenever he travels, tries to "bag a capitol." We bagged this one.

Always (ALWAYS!!) consult prior to taking a trip. That's how we found out about Cozy Dog. And that's how we found out about Charlie Parker's Diner. It is unlikely to show up on your GPS. It is well and truly off the grid. 

We got up EARLY to beat the crowd.

That is a pancake, delivered with care on a 16-inch pizza pan. Jefferson ate about 1/8 of it. Still a bargain at $5.

On to the Lincoln house. Well, the Lincoln house gift shop. Apparently Jefferson thinks that Abe Lincoln was some sort of magician.

Springfield was full of reenactments the day we were there. There was a medical camp set up around the old state capitol and some sort of POW camp set up around the Lincoln house. This guy walked up to us and just stood and stared into the distance. I realized I was supposed to talk to him, but after I started, I wasn't sure if I was talking to the guy or the guy he was supposed to be. There's a sign on the street that says "this is the most popular spot from which to take a photo of the house." I have to say, it's a good spot.

Lincoln's desk.

Lincoln's outhouse has three holes in it, just enough for the Warriors Three.

The Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum is great. It contains a rotating array of artifacts that will blow your mind (handwritten copies of the Gettysburg Address, Mary Todd's fan stained with Lincoln's blood). Although I have to say that the wax figures are super creepy. Here's the Lincoln family with little known Cousin Opie.

I'm not sure what's going on here, but it seems like evidence of his hillbilly roots.

It's art!

The last stop before home was Lincoln's tomb.

What a handsome boy.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Grab Bag, May 2012: "I need a belt" Edition

Well, Jefferson is in t-ball. He seems to like it and somehow manages to not roll around on the infield throwing handfuls of dirt around like the other kids. Success!

Yes, he's #5. And yes, we eventually bought him a belt. He spent that first game pulling his pants up the entire time.

The tongue thing is his signature move.

Before Jefferson started pre-k at his new school, he went to daycare with Cole. They just happened to get assigned to the same team.

Every player on a Stanley Cup winning team gets to have the Cup for a few days to take anywhere they want. I think the World Series trophy could be converted into a rad crown that every player gets to wear around in the off season.

Day baseball. Cardinals v. Cubs.

First pitch of an awesome, frustrating game. It was loaded with lead changes and led to an eventual Cardinals win in the bottom of the 9th.

Magic House membership Groupon strikes again!


Occasionally a photo captures just how sweet a kid can be.

Then the photo comes along that shows how utterly strange they can be.

I can't tell you how grossed out I am by the fact that he put his face on this thing. I was sure he'd have mono or something the next day.

This exhibit demonstrates how useful pulleys are. And how insane kids are.

Signature move works on slides too.
