The Magic House specializes in two things: 1. demonstrating scientific principles in fun, interactive exhibits and 2. demonstrating what humanity is like in a state of nature. This is the first thing.

This is both things. What you can't see in this photo is the sweet little girl at which Jefferson is viciously spraying water.

Hulk is strongest one there is.

This thing was cool. You stuff yarn balls in this hole ...

... and then they shoot out other holes at random. I think the scientific principle being demonstrated is "pick up this mess."

Honestly, I think the overarching scientific principle displayed at The Magic House is how the human immune system works.

I never want to see the video where the local investigative reporter goes in to reveal just how much E. coli is coating every single surface of this place.

This makes a big bubble around you. It sort of feels like the monster in an old horror film. As you lift the ring, the bubble closes in on you ... NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

This is a full size, um, one of those things that, you know, makes an impression of your face or hand. It's a heckuvathing, whatever it's called.

Good save, buddy.

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