If you guessed "Christmas makes boys crazy," you win. Jefferson performed in his first Christmas program this year. He and his friends were wise men.
Here's a classic Jefferson move. Yeah, buddy. You found me and mom.
I'm not sure what this is, but I'd bet dollars to doughnuts it wasn't in the script.
I have no idea what's happening in this photo, but my best guess is that it has something to do with time travel.
This year Jefferson embraced two classic boyhood obsessions: Pokemon and Morrissey.
Want to know every minute detail about Bouffalant?!
I didn't either!
Jefferson was really taken with the Muppets after he saw the movie. It made me glad. Meme and Pawpaw got him this Muppet for Christmas. I think he ended up naming him "Jefferson 2."
Does anything say Christmas quite like bumper cars?
Me and this other dad had fun smashing into our boys.
You know, sometimes a photo comes along that perfectly crystallizes a moment in time. Is there an explanation for this? Probably. Do I know what it is? Haven't a clue. It's like reading the ingredients on a hot dog. You'll enjoy it more if you don't know. PS. One of these characters is an attorney.
Merry Christmas.
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