Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Chicago 2011, Part 2 (...Car 5900, Room C)

I realized today that I truly have a love/hate relationship with Amtrak. It reminds me of Norm's relationship with The Hungry Heifer on Cheers. Granted, the balance leans far more toward hate of Amtrak than love, but the fact that I take it to Chicago every year says something. But I'm pretty sure they served "bef" in the dining car Sunday night (Cheers fans will get that joke). Anyway, the Cubs game started at 1:20 and we knew there was no way we'd catch the 4:00 train to Carbondale. The next train left Chicago at 8:00 pm and was set to arrive in Carbondale at 1:30 am. We decided to get a sleeper. Oh wow. This the view from the hall.

This is a very happy, very sleepy boy. His nap Sunday consisted of 10 minutes on the train from Wrigley back to the Palmer House.

This is a combination toilet/shower. Here's the thing: it was terrifying.

Amtrak is quick to offer helpful hints. I guess multitasking makes for a more efficient bathroom experience.

This sign is not posted in the coach restrooms. My guess would be that toilet condition "flashing" would be quite obvious. No flashing light necessary. You could probably just look at your shoes.

We were exhausted from an extraordinarily long day. The accommodations include dinner. We'd already eaten, but felt obligated to go. This is us waiting to be called to the trough, trying to stay awake. By the way, the food was not good in any conventional sense, but it was way better than you'd think Amtrak food would be.

Sometimes you're done with mom and dad. You put on your headphones, build a pillow fort, and send a clear message: leave me alone.

The top bunk is fun.

For boys and moms.

I'll admit the sleeper room was fun, if only for the company.

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