One summer in grad school I did some consulting work that required me to sit at the Kansas Supreme Court law library for hours, getting paid to write goofy emails to my future wife and dodge the Fred Phelps protesters out front. I must have driven by this place 20 times and never noticed it. The waitress recommended the banana-pecan pancakes. They were outrageous. Classic.

On the way to the Interstate, we saw this gentleman. He saw us taking this photo from the car and, as you can see, posed. He was dancing maniacally (we heard no music) and would occasionally bend over and kiss that flag. God bless America. And especially bless this guy.

Jefferson and I had a Freaky Friday incident in Nebraska. I blame the Unicameral.

White Castle started selling sliders in Wichita in 1921, became a chain (with no locations in Wichita), and continues to provide drunks with disgusting food that comes out almost as quickly as it goes in. Cozy Inn started selling sliders in Salina in 1922 ...

... at this location ...

... cooked on this griddle ...

... eaten by patrons on these six stools.

These are exquisite.

We've been lucky enough to go to Wrigley Field and Great American Ballpark to see baseball this season. Although the Warriors Three prefer the senior circuit, we got a good deal on Royals tickets.

When the Royals renovated Kaufman stadium they stuck a bunch of kid friendly stuff in the outfield concourse. This merry-go-round was fun, but Slugger gives me the creeps. The crown is part of his head. He reminds me of the artist rendering on the Sea Monkey package. We saw the "real" slugger later. Jefferson asked "Dad, what's inside Slugger?" I told him there was a guy in there. He said: "Um ... does he have sharp teeth?" Me: "The guy or Slugger?"

Although we were thrilled to be at the ballpark (yes, even watching the Royals), the real reason we were there was this li'l guy. My friends Len and Marcia brought Kai, who was as good-natured a baby as I've ever seen. And he thought Jefferson was hilarious. Of course, Jefferson brought his "A" material: hiding your hat and then making it appear again is killer stuff.

Our view. I sat behind an old guy who a) smuggled in a Popeye's spicy two-piece dinner (including red beans and rice) and b) saw Koufax pitch as a kid. In addition to the chicken dinner, his duffel bag was loaded with other goodies. He shared his Red Vines with all of us. Still felt jealous about him seeing Koufax. Honestly, I was jealous about the chicken too.

Stay tuned for Ballpark 4: Busch Stadium ... coming in June.

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